Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. Today i have an important and exciting project update for you.

28 Oct 2022, 16:22
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. Today i have an important and exciting project update for you. For those of you who missed our August 3 update, i like to point to this Medium article: We have been preparing a plan to found a software management company and to execute a Buy and Build strategy. This means that we will continue to develop our (unique) decentralized storage solution, but also acquire existing software solutions that match our four fundamentals; (decentralized) data storage, data security, privacy and backup. Our ultimate goal is to create an ecosystem with that consist of a collection of software prodcts where wKFX will be the main utility token, to be used for payments, rewards and other incentives. The news that i can now share with you, is that we made an offer to acquire a SaaS solution and this offer has been accepted. I can not disclose the website yet, but it offers a filesharing add-on and has over 33.000 registered users and generated over 12 million pageviews the past 12 months. The deal will be closed before December 1, and then we can start integrating wKFX. This will give our token immediate utility, and will generate a lot of awareness. But that's not all. We will hold a public token sale on Pink Sale (https://www.pinksale.finance/). We have selected this decentralized platform because of it's long trackrecord of succesful fundraises (IDO/launchpad). Our smartcontract auditor was whitelisted by Pinksale, but we have also selected one of their preferred marketing agencies to help us promote the tokensale. We trust on their experience, expertise and network to have a succesful tokensale. The sale is now scheduled for early december, but the exact dates are subject to change. I like to emphasize that we still need some funding to promote this sale. You can help and support by purchasing wKFX tokens while our pre-sale lasts. Our pre-sale ends on Monday, October 31. That will be the last chance to buy wKFX and those discounts. After a (succesful) tokensale on PinkSale, a Pancakeswap listing will be automatically created. In short: we are working on a lot of different things, and you can expect many updates in the next two months. Please keep supporting KnoxFS, even by doing simple things as liking and sharing our Twitter posts. Regarding exchanges; on short term we will concentrate on SouthXchange and will also add a KFX/wKFX swappair later this year. Crex24 pretty much closed down, and we also requested a delisting on P2PB2B because this exchange has been a failure eversince we got listed there. If you still hold any KFX on P2PB2B, make sure to withdraw as soon as possible. There is also news about masternode platforms. Next week i expect to update you on that.